There’s lots to love about remote life. But the biggest perk of all is being able to work practically anywhere in the world. Every year, when summer rolls around, it’s never long before the backdrops start to look a little different and ad-hoc days off become the norm.
But—there’s an art to working from anywhere. Especially if it’s not something you’re used to. So here are 5 tips for working while travelling, from the people who do it best.
Plan, plan and plan some more.
Know when and where you’re working—not just for your own sanity, but for your coworkers’, too. We’re used to working across timezones, but your fellow teammates need to know they can get hold of you if they need to—and that means a solid WiFi connection in an environment where you can still get stuff done. Put it this way, the more productive you are, the more time you’ll have for activities once you’ve clocked off for the day.
Adapt and overcome.
No monitor, no problem. Pick up one of those laptop-to-HDMI adaptor cables, and you can make any TV your second screen. This one is great for when you’re staying in Airbnbs, hotel rooms, or just paying a visit to your friendly neighbourhood coworking space. Because let’s be honest, when you’re designing or developing—or even just tabbing between apps and windows—it’s never long before single-screen life starts to wear thin.
Suss out the WiFi speed in advance.
You’ll find WiFi most places nowadays: coffee shops, beach bars, trains, hotels, boats—you name it. But that doesn’t mean it’s good WiFi. And since hot-spotting is usually a no-no, it’s good to do a recce beforehand if you’re planning on working somewhere new. As soon as you arrive (so before getting too comfortable) do an internet speed test on your phone—or, ask the host to do one and share the results. It means you can confidently get set up and crack on, rather than awkwardly having to find an alternative an hour or so later. For bonus points, stop by in advance to suss things out even further ahead of time.
Enjoy it.
Remember, you’re in that very place for a reason—so enjoy it. A change of scenery can do wonders for our wellbeing, so embrace the fact that once the laptop closes, you can be in full-on holiday mode. Whether you want to max out on time with family and friends before heading home, switch things up and live like a local, or (if you’re based in the UK) just need some sun—who says travel has to be confined to vacation days? WFA is the way to go.
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